We offer a full range of services to get the web working for you. From designing a simple website, to improving your search rankings, to tying your employees and locations into a single web-based entity. We base our solutions on Open Source languages and database systems so there is no need to throw money away at the beginning on licenses before any real work is done. We can host your site on our dedicated servers or work with your current hosting provider.
Have a site already done in another language such as ASP.NET? We can tackle that as well!
HTML 5 and many aspects of CSS 3, although not ratified yet, do have widespread support in all modern browsers. Whenever possible we use the newest languages to ensure the best looking and functioning site as well as the longest life of your project. Aside from creating custom backends for more complex needs we can also work with or develop using WordPress, Drupal, and any other CMS you may be currently using.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a vital part of any modern business. High-ranked search results are invaluable as they provide the highest response rate, far higher than paid advertising in most cases -- search results are chosen over paid results 94% of the time. The problem is that everyone wants to be in those top ten listings on the first page. Appearing on subsequent pages is, unfortunately, far less valuable. Let us help you increase your page rank and be found for the searches most likely to bring business to your web site - your business' electronic front door. Keep in mind that SEO is a moving target. Anyone who isn't engaging in constant study and research can't deliver the results you need.
In some situations, targeted advertising is a crucial partner to SEO for quickly attracting more business, and the advertising itself can improve your SEO results. When your search terms are generic or you're focusing on a specific geographical area, paid results can have a 2 to 1 advantage in click-through rate. We can help identify what works best for you and set you up an on-line advertising campaign that will help make your business a successful one.
Databases drive virtually all the software you interact with on your computer; web based or otherwise. With our vast database experience and expertise we can help you with database related issues from performance related problems, to migration, to creating one from scratch to avoid these issues in the first place, and everything in between. Effective database design is an art - an art we've been practicing for almost 30 years.